Tournament selections are an important part of a team’s schedule. Whether you want to go out of town or stay local, teams have several options. Registering for tournaments are done on a team level.
Missouri Rush hosts two tournaments per year. We also host a friendly event over the summer called the Transitional Friendlies. This is designed for teams that are moving from one playing format (7v7, 9v9, or 11v11) to the next.
Each Missouri Rush tournament (spring and fall) are half price for Rush teams. Rush teams also get a half priced discount on our affiliates tournaments as well.
For local events, the support of our teams playing in other local club events helps us receive reciprocal support for our events.
Below you will find links to our affiliate tournaments as well as local clubs we encourage you to support as well.
For questions about tournaments, email [email protected]
Local Club Tournaments
Accountability. Advice. Empathy. Enjoyment. Humility. Leadership. Passion. Respect. Safety. Tenacity. Unity.