Looking for Winter Activities?

Each winter provides teams with a much needed break from the weekly routine of training, games, training, games etc…. When planning your team’s winter activities, you must first know what your goals are.

Balancing development and fun are always challenging. You can never have too much of one thing. It is essential you have both to help create the best environment for learning.

Understand your team and what works well for them. The key is to a successful training season (whether it’s fall, spring, or winter) is to be able to engage with the players and challenge them while they are having fun and learning at the same time.

Rush Winter Programs

Starting in late November/early December, Missouri Rush hosts our Winter Club Training (WCT) which is open to all Rush players who are registered on a competitive team (U9-U19). WCT requires weekly signups and is maxed out a certain number of participants. Sessions are ran by our Director of Coaching (DOC’s).