Team Registration: This is the internal communication method we use to send emails and updates to all coaches and managers.
Tournaments: Each event may use a different registration platform. Most local events will use the new Gotsport system which will use your current Gotsport login. Most events in KC may use another platform. If you have questions about these platforms, please let us know.
SLYSA League: Each team will be required to register for the SLYSA league each season. Bracket placement will be determined by your team’s previous record. All invoices will be paid by the club with funds from your team account. SLYSA will not take individual team payments.
Travel Permit: If you are playing in an out of town tournament, you will want to locate your event through the link below. If you do not see your event, you will need to create an event and submit it in order to get your permit approved. You will need the info from the tournament’s Application to Host which should be listed somewhere on the tournament page. There will be a $15.00 fee assessed for each permit. If you need apply for a tournament that is not listed, please CLICK HERE for instructions on how to apply.

Our club is on a two year buying cycle which means every two years, everyone in our program has to purchase new uniforms. The buying cycles fall on seasons that start with an odd year (2021-2022). The next cycle will be the 2023-2024 season. Below you will find more information on uniforms and apparel.


2023 Rush Training Details
Fall 2023 Training Schedule
The Fall 2023 practice schedule has been finalized. To view the schedule CLICK HERE